Monday, March 16, 2015

We're packing up!

It's totally crazy. 

My husband started working at an excellent preparatory school in Pietermaritzburg this year. That's a good 35-minute drive from where we live, on a traffic-free day. To say that my husband loves his job is an understatement. He's happy, I'm happy he's happy and we're both happy that our two boys will be joining him there in the near future.

As the weeks went by and our daily routines changed quite dramatically, I had this funny feeling that things were going to change even more dramatically. It started with a friend calling us to say she was listing her house on the market in Maritzburg. Even though that specific home was not a fit for us, it was definitely a light bulb moment that led us to one simple and clear conviction: we felt it was God's plan for us to make the big move.

We're nerve-cited and it's been insanely busy. Thankfully Clint had been looking around at possible homes for us to move into over the last two months, just in case. He found a truly gorgeous home to start our new life in. I'm talking bay windows and tall ceilings. We then also had the business of selling our current home. Picture two messy busy boys running around the house 24/7 and then picture me running around after them sweeping up crumbs for the new interested buyer to pop in. Did i mention that I work from home too?! Time has been the enemy the last few weeks. We've had two offers on our home and so glory-be, we'll be moving out in approximately two months.

I'm not going to lie. This kind of things gets me really giddy & excited to sort, organize and start to de-clutter each space in our house in preparation for the actual pack-and-move. So many drawers and cupboards have become hoarding spaces for junk and items we just don't need. We are purging the home in a big way. Piles for keeping & putting back in the cupboard, piles of items to donate and also items we can re-purpose / sell.  My Saturday afternoon saw me sorting through the disaster of a linen cupboard that includes two shelves of medicine, name it. What you see below is only a quarter of what was piled up in there. Yes, that is even a broken phone that somehow found it's way in the toiletry basket...! And how did we end up with some many plug adapters? Oh my.

Anyway, I went wild and ended up tossing out a full garbage full of rubbish. I wish I had've taken a snap of that. After sorting through our medicine box, I was shocked at the number of expired bottles of this and that. I also realized that I was keeping toiletries that if i am honest, we literally will never use. After a full afternoon, I re-packed the necessary items. As I won't know what storage systems will work / fit in the new home, I am leaving all the fun setting up of storage systems / pretty labels for later. This is a REAL look at how I am busy sorting and preparing for our new adventure, not the "look how beautiful my things are" version! I'll keep you up to date as I go.

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