If there is one thing that I absolutely love doing, it's gift shopping! I really love to see the joy on the faces of the ones I love when they realize that they are important and that someone took time out of their day to think of them.
This is one of the many reasons I loved taking part of the Blogger Secret Santa hosted by the lovely Kelly Lubbee. Each blogger was assigned a fellow blogger to shop for. We stalked Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to understand the person behind the blog a little but more and come up with something meaningful to send their way in a pretty package.
I had so much fun shopping for Caitlyn de Beer, that is wasn't even normal (!!) My husband is the sweetest and drove me to Caitlyn's home address to deliver her pressie. We were so worried that she wouldn't spot the suprise gift that my husband literally climbed over the wall (Sorry Caitlyn!) and made sure it was safely placed on a ledge and hidden from the threat of being ruined by a rainstorm before it could be discovered! We are ridiculous. That's why I love that man. Thankfully all was received and I loved hearing that she enjoyed the little treats I picked out for her. In all the excitement I forgot to take photos but thankfully she put a few up on Instagram:

Which brings me to the beautiful gift I received this morning!
The very generous Lisa from 'Something Infinitely Interesting' sent me a thoughtful parcel all the way from Florida. Some of you may not know that I spent eight of my teenage/young adult days growing up in San Diego, California. I couldn't have been happier knowing that my little package was coming from the beautiful USA. So what was inside you ask?
a) Peanut's Blue Hot Chocolate: I can't wait until the kids wake up from their nap so that we can sit and giggle over our blue hot chocolate together.
b) Acyrlic Paints & Brushes: Yes, yes, yes! When the painting bug hits, I am so grateful to have fresh paints to work with. Mine are starting to look as old as they actually are.
c) Festive Oven Mits: These are so bright and cherry. I know I am going to get hours of use out of them. My current pair were screaming to be replaced. I'm not sure I even know what colour they are supposed to be anymore!
Thank you Lisa for your beautiful gift and for taking the time to think up what a DIY-ing mommy of two would love. A big thank you to Kelly for giving me a reason to shop. If you'd like to read up on who else participated in the 2014 Blogger Secret Santa, you'll find a full link up here.
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