Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Brainstorming: Mats & Rugs

A chilly breeze has started blowing in towards the end of our sunny days. I'd nearly forgotten how cold our little tiled house could get until I found myself wearing slippers last week to potter around in, just to escape cold toes.

I have a list of to-do's that include projects from one end of the home to the other. All of which will have to wait, so that I can focus on finding a fun and budget-friendly way to make a lounge rug and a few mats to keep big and little feet warm this winter.

I'm not sure which direction to go just yet. The most important start to any project is to do a little research beforehand to see what supplies are the most cost effective in your local area. Here are a few tutorials that have caught my eye. Watch this space!

(Please click on the photos for source websites & full tutorials) 


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